Teak Bedroom choosing the right material for a teak bedroom for you that prioritizes durability and appearance, classic furniture give a minimalist and natural impression that is ready to make your room design not boring. Not only aesthetic and classy, teak furniture also have a range of other advantages when compared to other materials used on the bed. For those of you who are interested in using teak beds. Teak beds are known for their excellent strength which affects long life. When compared with other types of teak wood furniture that rot easily, used as bed material tends to be more durable, not even easily damaged and deformed. Not only that, teak beds are also very fitting to be used in residences located in tropical climates. Has very good resistance to humid conditions, water and even extreme weather.

Termite and Insect material on furniture including teak bedroom because it has the potential to be damaged more quickly by termites and insects. However, different things are found in teak beds that have strong oil content so that they are resistant to termites, insects, and even mold. In addition to having good resistance to extreme weather to insects, teak beds also have a very luxurious appearance with a simple and classic furniture feel in teak bedroom furniture. on the bed has a golden brown color with a very distinctive motif so that its appearance is very unique, charming and different from the appearance of other types.
Teak wood furniture is the best main ingredient in making. Has many advantages compared to other types of wood. One of the advantages of Indonesian teak wood furniture is that it has a straight rod, is strong against weather changes, is resistant to termites and is easily processed. That is why is the first choice in making furniture. Reviewing the history of teak wood furniture, this is a native plant originating from Burma. From there then spread to various regions that have a monsoon climate. Because the will only grow well in soils that have rainfall between 1500-2000 mm / year or at temperatures of 27-36 celsius. So naturally if this type of can not grow well in European regions that tend to have cold temperatures. Teak growth is mostly found in countries such as India, Myanmar, Laos, Cambodia and Thailand.

Indonesian teak wood furniture can be said to be the best type in the world. In Indonesia alone, flourishes on the island of Java. And even then in certain areas. The types of teak furniture that are considered the best quality are those that grow in areas such as Jepara, Blora and Bojonegoro. Why that grows in these areas has better quality, because it grows in lime soil where the quality of the soil has acidity tends to be low.Since long time ago of this type has indeed become materials for building buildings because of its durability. So it is not strange if in the past teak wood furniture was made of materials to make ships, bridges, railroad pads, to warships. Because of the strength of the ship made, it is said that British troops were afraid to meet the Chinese junks made.